
Implementation of COLING 2022 Oral presentation paper "SelF-Eval: Self-supervised Fine-grained Dialogue Evaluation".

Primary LanguagePython

Implementation of COLING 2022 Oral presentation paper "SelF-Eval: Self-supervised Fine-grained Dialogue Evaluation".


First create an environment:

conda create -n self python=3.6

Then install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install Texar locally:

cd texar-pytorch
pip install .


When training, make sure the CHECKPOINT_DIR_PATH key in pretrain.sh is a directory path. This will be the path where we store our checkpoints and experiments.

sh pretrain.sh


First change the MODE key to test in the file pretrain.sh. Then specify the path to the checkpoint at CHECKPOINT_DIR_PATH. Note, different from training phase, the key now needs to be the path to the checkpoint file. Finally run:

sh pretrain.sh