Instantly exits out without any GUI or error output
Closed this issue · 4 comments
parkerlreed commented
Arch x86_64
python2 2.7.10-1
pygtk 2.24.0-5
[parker@x3720 Nano-Basket]$ python2
[parker@x3720 Nano-Basket]$
parkerlreed commented
Your README says otherwise :P almost works but complains about missing pyalsa. I do have it installed.
[parker@x3720 Nano-Basket]$ python2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 24, in <module>
from nano_basket_backend import *
File "/home/parker/build/Nano-Basket/", line 24, in <module>
from pyalsa import alsaseq
ImportError: No module named pyalsa
[parker@x3720 Nano-Basket]$ pacman -Q python2-pyalsaaudio-git
python2-pyalsaaudio-git 0.8.2.r0.g5cbc886-1
royvegard commented
You have to use the pyalsa package from the alsa-project:
Unfortunately there seems to be other packages named pyalsa (or something similar).
README will be updated.
parkerlreed commented
Oh wow forgot all about this project. May have to dig out my little Korg to test again :D