
Tuto Django - Vue génériques - Bootstrap - Bootswatch

Primary LanguagePython


Tuto Django - Vue génériques - Bootstrap - Bootswatch

Django example project with bootstrap4 templates (Bootswatch) , Generic Views, etc.


  • create a virtualenv : virtualenv -p python3 venv
  • activate : `source venv/bin/activate``
  • install static dependencies :
    • cd static (at root level)
    • npm i jquery popper.js bootstrap bootswatch @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
    • or just at root level : yarn new install

Migrations and data

  • migrations : ./manage.py makemigrations ./manage.py migrate
  • load initial data : ./manage.py loaddata initial_musiques_data.json

Lancer le serveur

./manage.py runserver

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