Amazon FreeRTOS Workshop for the Infineon XMC4800 IoT Connectivity Kit
Lab 1: Setup the Environment
In this lab, you will download the tools needed for the subsequent sections. You can use the provided USB and let the download run in the background. You will then register your Infineon XMC4800 IoT Connectivity Kit with AWS IoT Core.
Registering your device involves:
- Creating an IoT Thing
- Generating a private key and X.509 certificate for your Infineon XMC4800 IoT Connectivity Kit to communicate with AWS IoT Core
- Creating a IoT Policy
- Attaching the IoT Policy and IoT Thing to the Certificate
Lab 2: Run the Amazon FreeRTOS Sample Code
In this lab, you will download the Amazon FreeRTOS sample code from AWS IoT, import the sample code into Infineon DAVE4 that you downloaded from section 1, configure the Amazon FreeRTOS sample with your WiFi settings and the certificates from Lab 1, and flash to the XMC4800 using the on-board debugger.
Lab 3: Using AWS IoT Core
In this lab, you will program Amazon FreeRTOS to poll the die temperature sensor reading from the MCU and send to AWS IoT Core.
Lab 4: Using Device Shadows
In this lab, you will program Amazon FreeRTOS to change the on-board LED state based on user button manipulation. The standard way to perform this actuation through AWS IoT Core is by using Device Shadows. You will learn the details about Reported and Desired state.
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