Line break in table cell & non-indented paragraphs
stevers28 opened this issue · 1 comments
I'm new to LaTeX, but this package looks like a great place to help my son with his home brew creations. I had some troubles installing it, so I'm using Overleaf, which seems to be working great. There are a couple issues that I haven't been able to figure out, and I was wondering if I could get some help.
1- Adding Line Breaks to a Cell in a DnDTable
Is there a way to force a line break in a table? For example, in a Features table for a class, I'd like "Proficiency" and "Bonus" on separate lines so that the table isn't too distorted.
2-Adding a new line without indenting
I have found that to add a new line, I just need to use two carriage returns. However, this causes subsequent paragraphs to be indented. Is there a way to create new lines without indenting in regular text?
Thanks! Apologies if these questions are a bit basic.
I accidentally opened the same issue twice when I got a 404 error.