
Hangs at "completing your checkout"

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Most of the functionality here worked pretty well right out of the box, which I can't say for some of the other solutions I experimented with, so kudos for that. I followed the instructions and got it running pretty seamlessly on localhost, with one exception: it hangs at the "Completing your checkout" screen.

I did a little debugging and determined that the API request is successful, and getSubscription is working correctly. However, it returns a null value because no subscription has been created in the backend database.

When I look at the logs in the Stripe web interface, I can see that my localhost webhook is listening and has returned some POST responses with status code 200, so it's apparently not a webhook problem.

Rather, I think it's that the action function in routes/api/webhook.ts is failing to trigger.

Thanks for your words 🤗.

Can you confirm that it fails on the demo too ?

The problem proved to be that I'm an idiot and don't know what I'm doing with this stuff. :) I was running the Stripe webhook listener, then hitting CTRL-C so I could run npm run dev in the same Powershell window. (The Stripe dashboard showed my local webhook as listening, but CTRL-C had actually canceled the listener.) The app worked as expected when I ran the webhook listener and the dev server concurrently in two separate Powershell windows.


It does make me wonder if the app needs some error handling for this scenario, though. You could have a situation where a transaction is processed through Stripe, but for some reason the response isn't received, so no subscription gets created. You might need a handler to reverse the transaction if the checkout process times out without creating a subscription.

Thank you for your hard work on this great app!

I submitted a pull request with a minor update to the README in case anyone else is as dumb as me. :)