
OMORI opens, shows the loading screen, then immediately crashes (MacOS)

hellotinh03 opened this issue · 0 comments

After I install OneLoader, like the title, the game opens, shows the loading screen (OneLoader loading screen and the black screen with a black bulb in the bottom right corner) and then crashes.

Also after crashing Steam still shows that OMORI is running (even though OMORI doesn't show up on Task Manager/Activity Monitor). Pressing the "Stop" button doesn't do anything.
Ảnh chụp Màn hình 2021-12-07 lúc 00 10 16

Here's the "latest.log" if it helps:
[ 0.014] Encryption: Extracting asset key
[ 0.024] Encryption: Extracting decrypter from rpg_core.js
[ 0.035] -=-=-= Early loader =-=-=-
[ 0.054] Loading configuration
[ 0.055] Inspecting mods
[ 0.070] 1 entries in mods/
[ 0.385] > Now inspecting: oneloader
[ 0.389] | Name: OneLoader assistant
[ 0.389] | ID: oneloader
[ 0.389] | Version: 1.0.2
[ 0.389] | Description: A helper mod for OneLoader
[ 0.395] Early loading complete, starting loader stage 2
[ 0.457] Normalizing injection paths
[ 0.457] Looking for conflicted files
[ 0.459] Building overlayFS image
[ 0.459] Applying delta patches
[ 0.475] Creating GOMORI API backwards compatibility
[ 0.475] Looking for plugin conflicts...
[ 0.476] Installing VFS handler (1/2) [Chrome DevTools mode]
[ 0.476] Gathering chrome devtools remote debugging candidates
[ 0.500] [DEVTOOLS] Successfully attached!
[ 0.603] Installing VFS handler (2/2) [node.js]
[ 0.604] Starting game
[ 1.281] Patching $plugins
[ 1.281] [PLUGIN_LOADER] Injected 2065109834de93f2d25b2fc275dc6b0326100710663885bcde5c601a1419a79d
[ 1.281] [PLUGIN_LOADER] Injected 583e87cfc0acbbc5d1365cec2e75cac357247a9c62d509b7692945bf4214f1fd
[ 1.281] [PLUGIN_LOADER] Injected 6cb7ead0e662994c963e4f1590cf4b887d679346d9516ef71495dcb751eb9577

I'm on MacOS 12.0.1 Monterey.