
rpi-ws281x-python examples do not work

HaZZar-Oce opened this issue · 1 comments

strandtest.py fails with this error
ImportError: No module named rpi_ws281x

Trying to run setup.py fails with
ImportError: No module named setuptools

I started with the error of -3 hardware revision failed and have tried fresh intsalling everything to get nowhere.

trying to run using python2.7 as I am trying to get it to work on my new RPI4 8Gb Rev 1.5 64bit os using code from a RPI0W

strandtest.py fails with this error
ImportError: No module named rpi_ws281x

You need to install the rpi_ws281x module first:
pip install rpi_ws281x

Then run strandtest.py:
python strandtest.py