
redux-immutable Support?

elandesign opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm currently trying to upgrade our Apollo 1.x app, which has a bunch of non-apollo redux requirements to Apollo 2.x so this project filled me with hope, but I'm having some issues which I think may be because we use redux-immutable.

It seems that every graphql(MY_QUERY)(MyComponent) HOC we create never actually receives the query result in props.data.

My problem may well be elsewhere, but do you know if our use of redux-immutable along with your module is likely/known to cause problems?


Hi Paul, thanks for your question.
I'm not aware of any incompatibilities with redux-immutable or any other library at the moment, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Can you provide a small example, so I can take a look? Did it work with no issues with Apollo 1.x? Did it output any errors?

I've tried putting together a small example app to reproduce the issue in isolation, but typically that seems to work as expected - it may be something else in our stack that's causing problems.

I'll close this issue for now and keep chipping away at it - if anyone else is having the same problems feel free to message me.