
Question about configuration

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Hi @rposborne,

I am using the gem wkhtmltopdf-binary to generate the pdfs in development, should I use both gem? one to generate the pdfs in development and this one to be able to add wkhtmltopdf binary in heroku?

I am a bit confuse about the configuration of the gem. Should I change something in the wicked_pdf initializer to make this works on heroku?


Hello @dmuneras,

For your first question - usually the answer is yes, but it depends. You don't have to use wkhtmltopdf-binary if you and all your team members are running your development environments under the same configuration as the production environment. (same Ubuntu 14.04 build)

Usually you don't have to change anything in your wicked_pdf initializer - just make sure you are not setting a binary path there.


@pallymore thanks a lot for your super quick answer.

Best regards,