
About the FFT part in decoder implementation

qinchuanhui opened this issue · 2 comments

I notice that the FFT method is implemented in the code, such as the function: decoder_impl::get_shift_fft. However, in the demodulation part the usage of the fft method is commented. As the FFT is the basic method in Lora, I wonder why you refuse to use it while already finishing writing it. Are there some errors when using FFT?

rpp0 commented

The FFT method is indeed implemented, but currently only works well in gr-lora when using ideal signals (that is, signals without frequency or time offset errors). At the time, there was few / no documentation on how the LoRa frequency / time synchronization works when applying the FFT method, so I didn't understand properly how it was done in the real hardware. However, in the meantime I saw that a few papers came out with descriptions of a synchronization algorithm, and given the recent surge in interest in gr-lora, I might revisit the problem soon to implement the FFT method fully.

Thanks a lot for your answer, I will also try to find the implementation of FFT.