Detailed ususage and parameter setting!
wwwzrb opened this issue · 3 comments
Thanks a lot to your contribution to the open-source gr-lora! Since this repository has been updated for a number of versions, some new features have been supported, e.g., different spreading factors, implicit and explicit header mode, etc. However, the configuration in the wiki is still the old one. Can you introduce detailed parameter settings for the new version LoRa receiver block, e.g., the meaning of "conjugate downlink signal" and "decimation"? Besides, the data set from gr-lora-samples also has no specific introductions, e.g., header mode, disable channelization and drift correction or not. I don't know the detailed setting for the updated blocks to receive these data set.
I have another two questions.
- During testing the receiver block utilizing the collected data set from gr-lora-samples repository, I find that the decoded packet cannot be captured by Wireshark even though the result is correctly printed in the console. Besides, by writing the decoding result into a "pacp" file and opening it in the Wireshark, there are only received bits without meta information of LoRaTAP as shown in your demonstration.
- Can we control the RN2493 to send in the implicit header mode by "loranode" tools? Is there any ways to configure the RN2493 center frequency, header mode, CRC mode, sync word, and etc., by "loranode" tools directly? In the example code, only freq, sf and cr is setted. Thus, I'm wondering can we control all the sending parameters of RN2493?
You're right, the documentation should be updated but I'm struggling to find the time to work on this project, though I would like to.
About your two questions:
- Do you mean that you want to see the LoRaTAP metadata in Wireshark? This is not supported yet. Currently, the LoRaTAP header is embedded in a UDP transport, which is why Wireshark just sees it as data.
- Assuming you mean the RN2483: nope it doesn't support implicit header mode. You can send any command you like using
lc.serial_sr(<command>, [<args>])
okay, thanks a lot!
Do you know any devices that can support implicit mode?