
Incompatibility with brms 2.12.0

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, the tutorial works great with brms 2.10.0 (September 2019); however, with 2.12.0, the first invocation of plot_trend gives the following error:

Error in get(pp_expect_fun, draws$family$env) : object 'pp_expect_hurdle_gamma_mtp' not found

The second one works fine. And then the posterior predictive check fails with the following:

Error in get(pp_fun, draws$family$env) : object 'posterior_predict_hurdle_gamma_mtp' not found`

Is it a quick fix that is required, or is it something more profound?

Thanks! It should be a quick fix, the fitted and predict methods have been renamed in brms. I'll update the code tomorrow.

Everything should work with brms 2.12.0 now

It does. Thank you for the quick response and solution!