
Option for Calculated Departure Time (CDT)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello Roger

I would like to ask for an additional feature to set a CDT. A CDT is basically used to "freeze" a slot. This might be helpful to prioritize traffic (which again is linked to #76, where the dependency results in additional restrictions) and increase the plannability for the dependent traffic.
Setting a CDT will result in a CTOT. Therefore, I think the already existing functionalities regarding CTOT and also the delay will be helpful to enable a CDT functionality. I would request specifically the following functions:

  1. set CDT according TTOT (=freeze the slot)
  2. set a CDT at free choice (so an edit field), this needs to result in this slot pushing others to a later time (=delay function)

Happy to discuss any details or answer any questions. Thanks for considering.


set CDT according TTOT (=freeze the slot)

When will be used it? Because if there's a TTOT it shouldn't go out until it gets invalidated by TOBT or TSAT.

Just for curiosity, what does CDT mean?

When will be used it?

Whenever a slot depends on local traffic regulations (such as dependent runways)

CDT = Calculated Departure Time

I get the idea of "set CDT at free choise".
But, when and how would you use the "set CDT according TTOT" function.

I get the idea of "set CDT at free choise". But, when and how would you use the "set CDT according TTOT" function.

For example in normal day concept in zürich, most traffic departs on rwy28 but some heavies on the crossing runway 16,. Now as soon as you know that the tfc will make his ttot, you can freeze the slot so you can coordinate the exact time with approach. This is required as rwy16 departures necessitate a gap in the arrival stream of rwy 14 and freezing the time prevents recoordination in case of some general delay on the airport.

I get the idea of "set CDT at free choise". But, when and how would you use the "set CDT according TTOT" function.

For example in normal day concept in zürich, most traffic departs on rwy28 but some heavies on the crossing runway 16,. Now as soon as you know that the tfc will make his ttot, you can freeze the slot so you can coordinate the exact time with approach. This is required as rwy16 departures necessitate a gap in the arrival stream of rwy 14 and freezing the time prevents recoordination in case of some general delay on the airport.

Got it!
Thanks for the quick reply 👍


I get the idea of "set CDT at free choise". But, when and how would you use the "set CDT according TTOT" function.

When the already calculated TTOT is relevant for a dependent runway and shall be kept. This means even if you would insert a delay between now and this CDT, other slots would be delayed and rescheduled around that CDT.