
TSAC checkbox

Closed this issue · 2 comments

To make the TSAC use simpler, I suggest the introduction of an "abbreviated" TSAC item in form of a checkbox (similar to the clearance flag). The motivation is to save some space, but also provide the controller an easy-to-check functionality.

This checkbox would be

  • empty and default colour: if no TSAC is set
  • filled and dark green colour: if the TSAC is set and within +/- 5 min of the TSAT
  • filled and orange colour: if the TSAC is set and outside +/- 5 min of the TSAT

The existing functions to copy a TSAT to the TSAC and remove a TSAC could be used for clicks. Or a toggle function can be added to set the TSAT if the box is empty and remove if it's filled, regardless if the TSAC is outdated or not.

I like your idea, and it will be a new item without replacing the actual one.
I understand, that your idea is to have a checkbox that once the checkbox is checked it sets a TSAT (in the background) and once checked the color may change regarding the time difference between the actual TSAT and the saved TSAC.

Yes, correct. Basically it is a copy of the existing TSAC item, it just does display a filled box if there is a TSAC value and an empty box if there is none. The colouring follows the exact same logic as for the TSAC item.