
Biblio: liens arXiv

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Il manque les liens vers les preprints arXiv...

et Wikipedia

l'anomalie apparaît pour les refs dans le texte car les infos sont bien présentes dans le .refs
ça marchait avec le style entre crochets utilisé avant le 05/05

title = {Re-run, {Repeat}, {Reproduce}, {Reuse}, {Replicate}: {Transforming} {Code} into {Scientific} {Contributions}},
shorttitle = {Re-run, {Repeat}, {Reproduce}, {Reuse}, {Replicate}},
url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1708.08205},
abstract = {Scientific code is not production software. Scientific code participates in the evaluation of a scientific hypothesis. This imposes specific constraints on the code that are often overlooked in practice. We articulate, with a small example, five characteristics that a scientific code in computational science should possess: re-runnable, repeatable, reproducible, reusable and replicable.},
urldate = {2017-09-25},
journal = {arXiv:1708.08205 [cs]},
author = {Benureau, Fabien and Rougier, Nicolas},
month = aug,
year = {2017},
note = {arXiv: 1708.08205},
keywords = {Computer Science - Computers and Society, Computer Science - General Literature, lu},
file = {arXiv:1708.08205 PDF:C:\Users\sgranger\Zotero\storage\E2CXNH7I\Benureau et Rougier - 2017 - Re-run, Repeat, Reproduce, Reuse, Replicate Trans.pdf:application/pdf;arXiv.org Snapshot:C:\Users\sgranger\Zotero\storage\88R4JJ6S\1708.html:text/html}

Normalement, c'est bon maintenant. Réouvrez si ça n'est pas le cas.