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Tracking data for concave smart contracts




Get a substreams API KEY and past it in the .env, manage also other entries in regards to the smart contracts you're working on.

If you run it with Gitpod make sure to add the STREAMINGFAST_KEY inside your account page environements. Required:

git clone git@github.com:rrobrms/test-substream.git
# copie the .env.example to .env

Generating Protobuf

  • This will first build a .rs file inside the src/abis. The name of this file will be the same as the abis/*.json.
  • Then, it will read the package name of your *.proto files inside proto, and create a file with the same name, with all the rust types inside the src/pb directory IF you have declare it in side the substreams.yaml under the protobuf: section.
  • Will also create the pb/*.rs file from declare imports *.spkg file in the substreams.yaml.
make protogen
# substreams protogen ./substreams.yaml --exclude-paths="sf/substreams,google"


  • Check the names consistency inside the substreams.yaml package: name: it should be the same across other files:
    • substreams.yaml binaries file *.wasm
    • Cargo.toml package name
  • The build will be under ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/*.wasm
make build
# cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

WIP !Run Substream

  • Get the src/lib.rs map function name and pass it to the run cli.
  • Check the .env for the blocks info
  • The cmd make run will run all prior cmds and will refresh & export SUBSTREAMS_API_TOKEN=${SF_TOKEN}
  • Make sure the names are reported inside the substreams.yaml modules.
  • Da Fook z'gooinnn on!
make run
# substreams run -e $(ENDPOINT) substreams.yaml map_stakings -s $(START_BLOCK) -t $(STOP_BLOCK)

WIP Pack spkg

  • write the substream protogen substreams.spkg in root directory
make package
# substreams pack -o substreams.spkg substreams.yaml