
Selecting an option for a container only works briefly

kylefmohr opened this issue · 2 comments

First off thanks for making this open source! The design is fantastic, it feels more useful, in a lot of ways, than Portainer because it's less intimidating and has a very crisp UI.

Describe the bug
Whenever I select a container, then select one of the four options near the top (Mounts, Config, Network, or Logs), it successfully loads that screen, but after 1-5 seconds it kicks me out of that screen, back to the container view. Here's a screen recording of the behavior That link seems broken, try this instead

Additionally, and this is much more minor, but in the settings menu, when I click on the first option, which is the dropdown with my server name, it shows two identical instances of the server, and shows that they're both "in use". Screenshot

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Select any active container from the main menu
  2. Select either "Mounts", "Network", "Config", or "Logs"
  3. Wait

Expected behavior
Allow browsing of these menus

Details (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone 12 Pro Max
  • OS: iOS 15.4.1
  • Harbour version v2.0.0#7 (Tried both TestFlight and Sideloaded)
  • Portainer version 2.14.1

hi! do you have a auto-refresh on by any chance? it could be caused by it.

it will be definitely fixed in the next release (which will be in about a month - including iOS 16 goodies)

Yep, sure enough, turning off auto-refresh fixed the issue. Thank you!