Some typos and other minor issues
mmavova opened this issue · 2 comments
mmavova commented
Here is the list of typos/issues I noticed during a reread (I read the pdf).
Obvious typos/bugs:
- page 1450 "Has the headmaster has told you" -> "Has the headmaster told you"
- page 1418 "an glowing orb" -> "a glowing orb"
- The opening quotation mark does not render properly for me in many places: page 1555 twice ('dark side' becomes �dark side’), page 1556, page 1881(�phœnix’s price’, �phœnix’s fate’, and
�phœnix’s egg’), page 1883, page 102. I am not sure if it is the same in other book formats. - chapter 85: stick-your-neck-out-and-make-a-prediction-or-stop-pretending-to-believe-in-your- theory should not have the space in there: "stick-your-neck-out-and-make-a-prediction-or-stop-pretending-to-believe-in-your-theory".
- page 1790 "Tell you me you will wait" -> "Tell me you will wait"
Not sure/debatable:
- Omake files on had titles, and some are missing in the pdf.
- The last page on and in the pdf are different. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" is not a part of the text on, but rather in author's notes. Looking at LaTeX source, it looks like that was not the original intention, but a glitch with the compilation. The glitch does not show up on
- page 1800: "Into the hand of the Albus Dumbledore" -> "Into the hand of Albus Dumbledore".
- On page 1708 (chapter 104) you need something like a "\noskip" to suppress the extra space on the first "And" in
And Professor Quirrell had known a password
rrthomas commented
Thanks for this, I'll look at it soon!