
Module for extracting Twitter data to MongoDB databases

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Richard Wen

Module for extracting Twitter data to MongoDB databases

npm version Build Status Coverage Status npm GitHub license Donarbox Donate PayPal Donate Twitter


  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install twitter2mongodb via npm
  3. Recommended: Install dotenv
npm install --save twitter2mongodb
npm install --save dotenv

For the latest developer version, see Developer Install.


It is recommended to use a .env file at the root of your project directory with the following contents:

  • Twitter keys can be obtained from https://apps.twitter.com/
  • TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY: Consumer key (API Key)
  • TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET: Consumer secret (API secret)
  • TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET: Access token secret
  • MONGODB_CONNECTION: MongoDB connection string
  • MONGODB_DATABASE: MongoDB database name
  • MONGODB_COLLECTION: MongoDB collection name

The .env file above can be loaded using dotenv:


See Documentation for more details.


  1. Load .env file variables
  2. Load twitter2mongodb
  3. Create options object
  4. Optionally define Twitter API keys and MongoDB connection
  5. Search keyword twitter from GET search/tweets
  6. Apply a jsonata filter for statuses key only
  7. Execute twitter2mongodb with the REST API options

var twitter2mongodb = require('twitter2mongodb');

// (options) Initialize options object
var options = {
	twitter: {},
	mongodb: {}

// (options_twitter_rest) Search for keyword 'twitter' in path 'GET search/tweets'
options.twitter.method = 'get'; // get, post, or stream
options.twitter.path = 'search/tweets'; // api path
options.twitter.params = {q: 'twitter'}; // query tweets

// (options_jsonata) Filter for statuses array using jsonata
options.jsonata = 'statuses';

// (options_mongodb) MongoDB options
options.mongodb.method = 'insertMany'; // insert many objects due to array

// (twitter2mongodb_rest) Query tweets using REST API into MongoDB collection
	.then(data => {
	}).catch(err => {

Stream API

  1. Load .env file variables
  2. Load twitter2mongodb
  3. Create options object
  4. Optionally define Twitter API keys and MongoDB connection
  5. Track keyword twitter from POST statuses/filter
  6. Log the tweets when they are received
  7. Execute twitter2return with the Stream API options

var twitter2mongodb = require('twitter2mongodb');

// (options) Initialize options object
var options = {
	twitter: {},
	mongodb: {}

// (options_twitter_connection) Track keyword 'twitter' in path 'POST statuses/filter'
options.twitter.method = 'stream'; // get, post, or stream
options.twitter.path = 'statuses/filter'; // api path
options.twitter.params = {track: 'twitter'}; // query tweets

// (options_mongodb) MongoDB options
options.mongodb.method = 'insertOne';
options.mongodb.check = function(tweets) {return(true)}; // only insert if returns true

// (twitter2mongodb_stream) Stream tweets into MongoDB collection
var stream = twitter2mongodb(options);
stream.on('error', function(error) {


  1. Reports for issues and suggestions can be made using the issue submission interface.
  2. Code contributions are submitted via pull requests

See CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.

Developer Notes

Developer Install

Install the latest developer version with npm from github:

npm install git+https://github.com/rrwen/twitter2mongodb

Install from git cloned source:

  1. Ensure git is installed
  2. Clone into current path
  3. Install via npm
git clone https://github.com/rrwen/twitter2mongodb
cd twitter2mongodb
npm install


  1. Clone into current path git clone https://github.com/rrwen/twitter2mongodb
  2. Enter into folder cd twitter2mongodb
  3. Ensure devDependencies are installed and available
  4. Run tests with a .env file (see tests/README.md)
  5. Results are saved to tests/log with each file corresponding to a version tested
npm install
npm test


Use documentationjs to generate html documentation in the docs folder:

npm run docs

See JSDoc style for formatting syntax.

Upload to Github

  1. Ensure git is installed
  2. Inside the twitter2mongodb folder, add all files and commit changes
  3. Push to github
git add .
git commit -a -m "Generic update"
git push

Upload to npm

  1. Update the version in package.json
  2. Run tests and check for OK status (see tests/README.md)
  3. Generate documentation
  4. Login to npm
  5. Publish to npm
npm test
npm run docs
npm login
npm publish


The module twitter2mongodb uses the following npm packages for its implementation:

npm Purpose
twitter2return Connections to the Twitter API REST and Streaming Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) using twitter, and Filters with jsonata before inserting into MongoDB
mongodb Insert Twitter data to MongoDB collections
twitter2return   <-- Extract Twitter data from API and Filter JSON data
   mongodb       <-- Insert filtered Twitter data into MongoDB collection