
Unquoted text does not include trailing space

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Take this example: <div>The count is {count}</div>
I would expect the first child of the div element node to be an unquoted text node with the following content: "The count is ", but instead is: "The count is" (lacking the trailing space).

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vldm commented

@bram209 can you add more details:
I am interested is Span::join is available for rstml.
(Are you using stable or nightly, with proc-macro::TokenStream or only with proc-macro2)

And what method are you using to print text is it to_source_text(true)

Hi, I am not inside a proc macro, so using proc_macro2 and nightly.
I am busy at the moment, but will try to check later tonigth and provide additional info