
Post here if you use Voucher for your app!

rsattar opened this issue ยท 5 comments

It would be really cool to know if you're using Voucher, so post in here what your project or app is, with a link!

Screenshots would be awesome too, to see how you've built the auth process! ๐Ÿ‘

Just been trying out Voucher for use in my app. It works and it's great but it doesn't exactly fit my use case. I'd say its 95% the way there but the way i'm using it feels wrong. What I want to do is send some NSData from a tv app to an iOS app, not the other way round. I can't help but feel Voucher would be more usable if it was more generic. But if you are just looking to solve the auth token problem and thats it then I guess this library isn't for me ๐Ÿ˜„

The point at which Voucher doesn't work for my use case is that I would like to know when the NSData has completed sending and stop advertising from the server.

Hey - this is really cool! We just adopted it for our Apple TV app on Udemy.

Hey, that's awesome! Thanks for letting me know!

On Jun 10, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Josh wrote:

Hey - this is really cool! We just adopted it for our Apple TV app on Udemy.

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Hey, I work at Devslopes and we've just introduced this into our new Apple TV app:

We LOVE Voucher and think this will make life for our users much easier and more seamless. Thank you!

Woo hoo! That's great to hear!