
Reset the game from the controller/allow user to delete existing questions

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It might be useful to have a button on the controller to restart the game so the user does not have to restart the server and log back in.

Alternatively, we could just have a way to remove questions, then they could remove all the questions which would be basically the same as starting over.

This issue should probably be expanded to include deleting questions since they're so closely related. We can either allow the user to reset the game and create a "reset" endpoint or something of the like, or we can have a delete endpoint for questions (which we will probably want anyway) and just allow the user to delete all questions at once.

We're going with:

  • delete for individual questions
  • reset to reset the gamestate without deleting anything

Backend is completed for this.

Closed by 1afb872.