
An indexing program that will create a JSON file out of tokens from a given directory.

Primary LanguageC




  1. Current Use
  2. Data Structures
  3. Runtime Analysis
  4. Testcase Analysis
    1. Testcase 1: Directory sweeping
    2. Testcase 2: Frequency counting
    3. Testcase 3: Empty nested directories
    4. Testcase 4: Empty text files
    5. Testcase 5: Unfamiliar file types
    6. Testcase 6: Regular large test
    7. Testcase 7: Input is a text file

Current Use

Will not properly run on Windows machines due to sys/types.h

./index outputfile.txt testing 

Make will build and link library and object files necessary for the indexer. The program is invoked with two arguments: the output text file for the JSON to be written to and the directory/file to parse for tokens.

My implementation of the indexer utilizes the previous projects: tokenizer and sortedNlist. Modifications were made to these for use in this specific project. The source code for the indexer is specifically implemented within indexer.c. The main() function is also located within this source file. Proper execution of my program is as follows:

./index output.txt testing01
./index output.txt testing02



The highest level data structure in use to store (token, file) tuples is the TokenList. This is a global sortedNlist structure of Token structs. Each Token struct itself, contains a sortedNlist structure within it. This is a sortedNlist of fileRecord structs that correspond to the files which contain the token. This nested design lends nicely to minimizing the memory requirements of storing tokens along with their filenames and frequencies. Additionally, management of the ordering of each of the tokens, frequency, and filenames with respect to one another can be entirely handled by the sortedNlist objects. Comparator and destroyer functions for Token and fileRecord structs are implemented within indexer.c.


Runtime is considered with respect to the size of the input. This is the number of files that need to be parsed for tokens. Sweeping through directories is done using the recursive exploreDirectories() function. It will be called once for each directory in the input. For each file it locates within a directory, it calls parseFile().

The parseFile() function instantiates a tokenizer object. The tokenizer object will fetch tokens from the input file and store them into the aforementioned data structures by calling the helper function, processToken(). The tokenizer struct fetches tokens from the input until EOF is reached. Then the tokenizer is destroyed and the call stack returns to exploreDirectories().

The processToken() function will run two comparisons to check if the input tuple (token, filename) already exists within the data structures. It must first check the TokenList sortedNlist to see if a Token struct has already been instantiated for the input. If so, it will check the fileRecord sortedNlist of that token to see if this file has already had an instance of this token. If so, it will increment the frequency and resort. The runtime of this function will depend largely on the current size of the data structures. Therefore, this runtime will scale with the number of unique tokens and the number of files in the input. The runtime is O(tf) where t is the number of unique tokens and f is the number of files. Worst case, there are unique tokens in every file.

Once the data structure is created, a simple function, writeFile(), will output the data structure to the output file in JSON format. This is O(tf) time as well since every token of every file needs to be visited.

Therefore, as the directory navigation and file parsing is as efficient as possible ( O(n) where n is the number of files to explore), the runtime of my program will largely depend on the number of unique tokens and the number of files. O(tf).


Testcase directory

The following testcases (represented above) attempt to challenge my programs functioanlity in a slightly different way. Each testcase is a top directory denoted by testing0x.


Directory sweeping

Testing01 contains 2 directories and 1 nested subdirectory within the first. There are text files at all levels of navigation (high level, dir1/, dir1/dir2/, and dir3/ ). This test case is largely meant to test my programs ability to recursively sweep directories and visit all files at all levels.


Frequency counting


Testing02 contains just two text files, each of which contain some duplicate words. This test attempts to test the sorting ability of the nested sortedNlists. The image below shows the output file from this test. Tokens are properly organized alphabetically. RecordLists are properly organized by frequency and then alphabetically by file path. This is further tested by the following test cases as well.


Empty nested directories

This test case exercises the simple case in which there are no files with any tokens. The directories are properly swept. When the TokenList structure is empty at time of file writing, the program will safety exit with a short prompt claiming that there are no tokens to index.


Empty text files

This test case is similar to test case 3. The high level file contains empty text files. The program will follow an execution, just as test case 3, and exit normally with a prompt saying there are no tokens to index.


Unfamiliar file types

The high level directory contains one normal text file, name heyya.txt. Additionally, it contains a directory of two executable files. The program will attempt to parse through these files normally and detect any string of valid tokens. The resulting output text file is as expected.


Regular large test

This test case is a large directory with many text files. This test is meant to test the full functionality of the program. The following two images show the proper sorting of recordLists by first frequency and then alphabetically by file name.




Input is a text file

Lastly, this test case shows proper execution of my program when the input is a text file. My program properly recognizes that the input is not a directory and will execute normally.

./index output.txt svu.txt