
Debian repositories for sid are broken

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It seems due to recent security changes in apt in debian unstable it's not possible to download rspamd anymore:

apt-get update
E: The repository ' sid Release' does no longer have a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.

According to manpage this should resolve the issue:

       If you want to provide archive signatures in an archive under your
       maintenance you have to:

       ·   Create a toplevel Release file, if it does not exist already. You
           can do this by running apt-ftparchive release (provided in

       ·   Sign it. You can do this by running gpg --clearsign -o InRelease
           Release and gpg -abs -o Release.gpg Release.

       ·   Publish the key fingerprint, so that your users will know what key
           they need to import in order to authenticate the files in the
           archive. It is best to ship your key in its own keyring package
           like Debian does with debian-archive-keyring to be able to
           distribute updates and key transitions automatically later.

       ·   Provide instructions on how to add your archive and key. If your
           users can't acquire your key securely the chain of trust described
           above is broken. How you can help users add your key depends on
           your archive and target audience ranging from having your keyring
           package included in another archive users already have configured
           (like the default repositories of their distribution) to leveraging
           the web of trust.

       Whenever the contents of the archive change (new packages are added or
       removed) the archive maintainer has to follow the first two steps
       outlined above.

I've decided to drop sid support since it is terribly broken now.

But I guess debian won't change it's rules for custom apt repositories. Will you at least provide deb packages for sid or I should start compiling them myself (I would prefer not to do it)?

I think that there should be packages for sid in the Rspamd repos.

Issue seems to be fixed. apt is not complaining about missing release file.