Crash on every external message in rspamd 2.5 for armhf
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Sorry I can't give the requested detail. The problem is indicated by entries in the rspamd log such as:
2020-10-28 16:03:39 #192490(rspamd_proxy) rspamd_crash_sig_handler: caught fatal signal 11(Segmentation fault), pid: 192490, trace:
2020-10-28 16:03:39 #192490(rspamd_proxy) rspamd_print_crash: 0: 0000FFFF93EEF634:
2020-10-28 16:03:39 #192490(rspamd_proxy) rspamd_print_crash: 1: 0000000000284D91:
This occurs every time an email is sent from outside the mail server to a mailbox handled by the mail server. The email does not appear in the rspamd history. Emails generated within the mail server seem to be handled correctly, and appear in the history.
I can't go further with diagnosis because there seems to be no rspamd-dbg in the armhf repo and I have not been able to generate any core dumps.
This is based on the rspamd included in the Ubuntu 20.10 repository. So far as I can tell, there is no ARM version available in the rspamd repository, at least by specifying arch=armhf or arch=arm64.
2.5 is outdated, not an issue, closing.