Should cellFromXY() return multiple cell numbers in some cases?
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benscarlson commented
When a coordinate is exactly in the corner of four cells, should cellFromXY return all four? It is a bit misleading otherwise. I was confused about some results until I realized that cellFromXY was just picking one of the cells and returning it.
r <- rast(ncols=4, nrows=2, xmin=-180, xmax=180, ymin=-90, ymax=90)
cellFromXY(r, matrix(c(0,0),ncol=2)) # Returns 7
But we can see that cellFromXY could have returned cells 1,3,6, or 7.
plot(as.points(r),add=TRUE) #as.points internally (in the cpp code) calls xyFromCell
plot(vect(matrix(xyFromCell(r, 7),ncol=2),crs='EPSG:4326'),col='blue',add=TRUE)
Perhaps there is a rule that it always returns the highest cell number when there is potentially more than one. In this case, it would be helpful if the documentation reflected this.
rhijmans commented
Thank you. I have updated the documentation to reflect this rule.