
Disable Capybara for Rails API

chrishough opened this issue · 2 comments

Has anyone been able to use the features or system folder without having to load Capybara i.e. remove Capybara from Rspec?

👋 Folders automatically bring in example group types if you're using the infer_spec_type_from_file_location! option, so I assume you're talking about the example groups types here, I'm afraid the answer is "no" as the feature example group requires Capybara as its behaviour stems from that library, and the system test example group uses rails own built in system testing behaviour and similarly that requires capybara...

However request specs here should allow you to test the full api stack...

Closing because this isn't a bug report or feature request (we usually encourage people to use the mailing list, irc or other community channels for help requests, but I'm happy to answer any follow up questions here)

That makes sense @JonRowe, thank you