
Parse argument options

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Parse argument options

This works exactly like minimist, with a few exceptions (see difference with minimist).



npm install --save rminimist
var argv = require('rminimist')(process.argv.slice(2))



rminimist(args, [options])

Return an argument object argv populated with the array arguments from args.

argv._ contains all the arguments that didn't have an option associated with them.

Any arguments after -- will not be parsed and will end up in argv._.

Options can be:

  • opts.string - an array of strings argument names to always treat as strings
  • opts.boolean - an array of strings to always treat as booleans.
  • opts.array - an array of strings to treat as arrays. (only in rminimist)
  • opts.number - an array of strings to treat as numbers. (only in rminimist)
  • opts.alias - an object mapping string names to strings or arrays of string argument names to use as aliases
  • opts.default - an object mapping string argument names to default values
  • opts.stopEarly - when true, populate argv._ with everything after the first non-option
  • opts['--'] - when true, populate argv._ with everything before the -- and argv['--'] with everything after the --.

See minimist for more details and examples.

Difference with minimist

rminimist tries to be less "smart" than minimist. While minimist is often usable with minimal options, rminimist prefers you to be explicit.

  • Aliases are not duplicated. They will always resolve to the canonical version.

    minimist(['-f', 'document.txt'], { alias: { f: 'file' } })
    // minimist
    { _: [], f: 'document.txt', file: 'document.txt' }
    // rminimist
    { _: [], file: 'document.txt' }
  • The syntax -n4 (short flag + number) is not supported. This improves compatibility with number flags (eg, -1).

    // minimist
    { _: [], n: 4 }
    // rminimist
    { '4': true, _: [], n: true }
  • Booleans don't default to false. They're simply not defined if not present.

    minimist(['--debug'], { boolean: [ 'debug', 'verbose' ] })
    // minimist
    { _: [], debug: true, verbose: false }
    // rminimist
    { _: [], debug: true }
  • Values are overridden, not appended as an array. Use the array option to explicitly enable the array behavior.

    minimist(['--watch=lib', '--watch=test'])
    // minimist
    { _: [], watch: ['lib', 'test'] }
    // rminimist
    { _: [], watch: 'test' }
  • A new option array is introduced to make values into an array.

    minimist(['--watch=lib', '--watch=test'], { array: ['watch'] })
    // rminimist
    { _: [], watch: ['lib', 'test'] }
  • Order is always preserved (except for numeric keys).

    minimist(['-a', '--file=doc.txt'], { default: { file: 'default.txt' } })
    // minimist
    { _: [], file: 'doc.txt', a: true }
    // rminimist
    { _: [], a: true, file: 'doc.txt' }
  • Number-like values are never auto-cast to numbers. Use the number option instead.

    // minimist
    minimist(['--port', '4000'])
    { _: [], port: 4000 }
    // rminimist
    rminimist(['--port', '4000'])
    { _: [], port: '4000' }
    rminimist(['--port', '4000'], { number: ['port'] })
    { _: [], port: 4000 }
  • boolean: true and string: true are not supported. Use the array syntax instead.

    // minimist
    minimist(['-a', 'hello'], { boolean: true })
    // rminimist
    rminimist(['-a', 'hello'], { boolean: ['a'] })
  • The unknown option is not supported.


rminimist © 2016+, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from contributors (list).

ricostacruz.com  ·  GitHub @rstacruz  ·  Twitter @rstacruz