Sparkup with Javascript
xavierartot opened this issue · 5 comments
xavierartot commented
I'm using React, how can I use it with .jsx and js?
rstacruz commented
Unfortunately sparkup doesn't support jsx :\
hilkins commented
Is there any other tool that would do the trick ?
abidibo commented
@hilkins , I've just found this plugin:
xavierartot commented
It works with Javascript, but in jsx syntaxe I would like to replace class by className?
augroup sparkup_types
" Remove ALL autocommands of the current group.
" Add sparkup to new filetypes
autocmd FileType mustache,php,javascript,jsx runtime! ftplugin/html/sparkup.vim
augroup END
xavierartot commented
I can do that many words...
EDIT: I switched to Emmet...