
Idempotency issue in BlobProcessFunctions when processing CSV files

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I would like to kindly bring attention to a potential issue in the BlobProcessFunctions class, specifically the ProcessCsv function. This function is triggered by a BlobTrigger and processes a CSV file, then sends the result to a Service Bus topic. However, the current implementation does not guarantee idempotency. Suppose the function crashes after successfully processing the CSV file and sending the result to the Service Bus topic (but before acknowledging the event source that the function has finished). In that case, when the function is retried, it will process the CSV file and send the result to the Service Bus topic again, causing duplicate messages.

Suggested Fix:

To avoid duplicate messages in the Service Bus topic due to untimely retries, a deduplication mechanism can be implemented. Specifically, one can attach a unique id to each processed CSV result when it is being generated. The Service Bus topic should be configured to utilize the deduplication feature based on this unique id. By doing so, the Service Bus will automatically prevent the delivery of duplicate messages to the topic.

Additionally, you can consider implementing a check in the receiver's end to verify if the message with the same unique id has already been processed. If the id is already present in a deduplication set holding all previous processed message ids, the receiver should ignore the message. Otherwise, the receiver should process the message as usual.

Thank you for considering this feedback. I hope that this suggestion could help improve the idempotency and reliability of the ProcessCsv function. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for letting me know. The sample is not continuously maintained. However, next time I update the code, I will keep your comments in mind.