- 2
- 2
misrepresentation broken slide
#152 opened by rkportal - 1
- 4
Cannot access the Space
#145 opened by kshantigreene - 6
dsbox package not available on CRAN
#147 opened by kshantigreene - 1
dsbox not found
#149 opened by robeem01 - 0
Slides for Unit 2 Deck 11
#150 opened by kweng - 0
Add citation
#148 opened by mine-cetinkaya-rundel - 0
Output Options not available in PositCloud
#146 opened by kshantigreene - 2
- 0
Need solution to run a course in my own community
#142 opened by sumsupdev - 1
- 1
Help: Instructions for setting up hosting and building of course materials
#133 opened by graySquirrel - 1
Page not found
#140 opened by mlsp8727 - 1
RMD file is missing
#141 opened by mlsp8727 - 1
- 1
Articulate learning objectives
#64 opened by cwickham - 0
Add action to check PRs to course materials result in Rmds that render
#103 opened by mine-cetinkaya-rundel - 1
build_book.yaml fails on stringi
#134 opened by graySquirrel - 1
missing file in Lab06
#119 opened by bboti86 - 1
Move `master` branch to `main`
#126 opened by jennybc - 2
Identifiers for course materials
#86 opened by dhicks - 2
Exam-01 Question 8
#107 opened by demar01 - 1
Slide titles are broken after commit 76b505c
#116 opened by lukas-jue - 2
Schedule tweak - Lab 06
#91 opened by debbieyuster - 2
Link to merge conflict activity
#89 opened by debbieyuster - 1
- 3
Slides: footer often blocks the text
#77 opened by debbieyuster - 5
Lab 01 requires tufte package
#87 opened by saudiwin - 1
- 1
- 0
Artifacts in rendered HTML on Exams page
#71 opened by debbieyuster - 1
- 0
Fix links on tech stack page
#66 opened by mine-cetinkaya-rundel - 0
Update rstudio cloud instructions
#67 opened by mine-cetinkaya-rundel - 0
Add more details to sharing
#68 opened by mine-cetinkaya-rundel - 1
Simpson's paradox images
#50 opened by mine-cetinkaya-rundel - 10
Make it easy to browse the lecture slides
#46 opened by davidkane9 - 1
Website glitch: footer
#56 opened by mine-cetinkaya-rundel - 1
issues knitting Rmd of labs
#57 opened by jricoiii - 1
gss2010.csv file is missing from data folder
#61 opened by jeffpan92 - 2
Fix styling of 404 page
#40 opened by mine-cetinkaya-rundel - 1
Pedagogy write up
#41 opened by mine-cetinkaya-rundel - 1
Data Science Box Onboarding Review
#65 opened by mine-cetinkaya-rundel - 1
multivariate vs multivariable 😬
#58 opened by LucyMcGowan - 1
- 1
Video linked in u2_d07-sim-test slides
#55 opened by matackett - 2
Peer Evaluation for Final Projects
#35 opened by ha0ye - 1
- 1
Bad link in RStudio Cloud section
#45 opened by davidkane9