Fails to compile
joelgombin opened this issue · 5 comments
joelgombin commented
When I try to compile (by hitting the button "Knit" in RStudio), I get this error:
Quitting from lines 55-88 (book.Rmd)
Error in get(name, envir = asNamespace(pkg), inherits = FALSE) :
objet 'is_html_output' introuvable
Calls: <Anonymous> ... inline_exec -> withVisible -> eval -> eval -> ::: -> get
Exécution arrêtée
OS : Ubuntu 14.04
RStudio version: 0.99.825
R version: 3.2.2
knitr version: 1.11
bookdown version: 0.0.5
pandoc version: 1.13.1
Any idea what's goign wrong?
hadley commented
You need the development version of knitr:
psolymos commented
Hey Folks, I had the same issue and figured out that I needed knitr v1.15 (a new knitr option for timings I think). Maybe highlight it on the bookdown website?
yihui commented