render_book for pdf_book doesn't take into account config_file = "_bookdown.yml"
DDDSt opened this issue · 1 comments
Dear Yihui,
Thank you for the nice tool.
I am finishing the book in R about R and I am trying to compile it:
render_book("index.Rmd", output_format = "bookdown::gitbook", clean = TRUE,
envir = parent.frame(), clean_envir = !interactive(),
output_dir = NULL, new_session = NA, preview = FALSE,
encoding = "UTF-8", config_file = "_bookdown.yml")
Internalization (language change in "_bookdown.yml") works very well for output_format = "bookdown::gitbook", but not for output_format = "bookdown::pdf_book". For pdf_book "Chapter" remains "Chapter", as well as Figures, Tables...
I am struggling with that for some time without success. Do you have any suggestion.
Kind regards
You need to use LaTeX tools: