
Misleading text in examples for opt_table_font()

kelliemac opened this issue · 2 comments



In the examples for opt_table_font() it says "Then, set a larger font size for the table..." but this does not appear to be implemented in the example, or even possible with opt_table_font(). This phrase should be removed from the example.

As an aside: it would be great to implement changing font size across the whole table with opt_table_font(). I was looking for this option which is how I ended up here - scaling the font size for the whole table up or down is something I commonly do, and it's annoying/issue-prone to use tab_style() applied to each portion of the table.

Reproducible example

Not applicable - this is just about documentation.

Thanks for providing this issue! I'm going to tackle this one by adding the size and color arguments to opt_table_font() so that these useful properties are available. I'll change the misleading text in the example as well.

@rich-iannone awesome!! thank you so much! that will be really helpful.