
Supports highlightjs using RevealHighlight or usual R Markdown way ?

cderv opened this issue · 2 comments

cderv commented

R Markdown has current usually support for highlight.js through highlight: paramater:

revealjs currently only support Pandoc's syntax highlighting through the rmarkdown::pandoc_highlight_args() function.

However, the template already have the loading of the library but it is not really included and I don't think that works

<link rel="stylesheet"
$if(html5)$$else$type="text/css" $endif$/>
<script src="$highlightjs$/highlight.js"></script>

Also, reveal.js seems to have support through a Plugin :
This brings features like

cderv commented

I think the above is really old code that was once used in rmarkdown but removed in rmarkdown 1.2
following the switch to use highlightjs with htmldependency

We should use the revealjs way IMO

cderv commented

Currently, highlightjs is never used because of

# highlight
args <- c(args, pandoc_highlight_args(highlight, default = "pygments"))

which will only set Pandoc's highlighting.

In rmarkdown, highlightjs can be triggered using rmarkdown:::pandoc_html_highlight_args() and the default template.

So I believe no risk to remove this from the template.