Missing option to display iframe (HTML) in `data-fullscreen` mode
rleyvasal opened this issue · 2 comments
There appears to be a missing option to display an HTML page in fullscreen mode.
The code to below extracted from vscode-reveal github repo inserts HTML into slides in to full screen mode.
<!-- .slide: data-fullscreen-->
<iframe class="stretch" data-src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m14!1m12!1m3!1d61206.89156051744!2d-151.77366863890407!3d-16.50433878928727!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sde!4v1467468929561"></iframe>
I have tried the following on RStudio but it does not work.
# {data-fullscreen}
I did not found this option in revealjs documentation. Looking at your examples, it seems it is from a reveal.js plugin. stored here: https://github.com/rajgoel/reveal.js-plugins/tree/master/fullscreen
There is currently no way to add external plugin in this package without modifying the template. I'll consider adding it for next version.
However, Quarto is having this feature of adding any plugin you need : https://quarto.org/docs/presentations/revealjs/advanced.html#reveal-plugins
About Quarto, as I said in #154
There is also a new tool called Quarto that has a HTML presentation based on RevealJS quarto.org/docs/presentations/revealjs
Quarto is next generation publishing tool, built on top of all the R Markdown experience: quarto.org/docs/faq/rmarkdown.html
For new features it could be worth trying - we probably won't invest new big features inside the R package for now.
If you get block by this package limitation, the Quarto format will really worth a try.