
Shiny navbarPage doesn't work

mauricio1308 opened this issue · 1 comments

I have an application in shiny that uses navbarPage. However, when I update to the latest version of Shiny, I get this error: Warning: Navigation containers expect a collection of bslib::nav()/shiny::tabPanel()s and/or bslib::nav_menu()/shiny::navbarMenu()s. Consider using header or footer if you wish to place content above (or below) every panel's contents. Warning: Navigation containers expect a collection of bslib::nav()/shiny::tabPanel()s and/or bslib::nav_menu()/shiny::navbarMenu()s. Consider using header or footer if you wish to place content above (or below) every panel's contents. Error: Navigation containers expect a collection of bslib::nav()/shiny::tabPanel()s and/or bslib::nav_menu()/shiny::navbarMenu()s. Consider using header or footer if you wish to place content above (or below) every panel's contents.

ui <-navbarPage(HTML(paste0("D.B.I.",tags$sub("Col"))),
                         dashboardPage(skin = "black",
                                       dashboardHeader(disable = T),
                                           menuItem("Indicador", tabName = "main", icon = icon("chart-bar"), radioButtons("ind", "Indicador seleccionado:", c("Incidencia"), "Incidencia")),
                                           menuItem("Patologia", icon = icon("clipboard-check"), selectInput("enf", "Seleccione la patologia:", choices = DiccionarioEnfermedades$Enfermedad, selected = "Artritis Juvenil", selectize = T)),
                                           menuItem("Año", icon = icon("search"), selectInput("ano", "Seleccione el año:", choices = c(2012:2020))),
                                           menuItem("Edades", icon = icon("users"), sliderInput("edad", "Seleccione el rango de edad:", min = 0, max = 100, step = 5, value = c(10,30))),
                                           menuItem("Sexo", icon = icon("genderless"), checkboxGroupButtons(
                                               inputId = "sexo",
                                               label = "Seleccione el sexo:",
                                               choices = c("F","M"),
                                               selected = c("F", "M"),
                                               status = "primary",
                                               checkIcon = list(
                                                   yes = icon("ok", 
                                                              lib = "glyphicon"),
                                                   no = icon("remove",
                                                             lib = "glyphicon")),
                                               direction = "vertical"
                                           #menuItem("Ventana de tiempo", icon = icon("history"), radioButtons("tiem", "Tiempo de evaluacion:", c("6 meses"  = 180, "1 año" = 360, "2 años" = 720), 720)),
                                               column(width = 1),
                                               column(width = 1),