
Can't move double-ended range slider if from-handle is set to max

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Currently, when moving the from-handle of a double-ended range slider to its maximum value it can't be dragged to another position (as it is covered by the to-handle). The only way out is clicking somewhere else. This is related, however this particular edge case is very unintuitive:


I've found a workaround, however I think a general UI-only solution would be preferable:


slider_max <- 100

ui <- fluidPage(
      Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('set_z-index', function(msg) {
        const elem = document.getElementById(msg.inputId).parentNode.querySelector('.irs-handle.from'); = msg.zindex;
    inputId = "vanilla_range", 
    label = "Current behaviour:", 
    min = 0, 
    max = slider_max,
    value = c(30, 70),
    step = 1
    inputId = "modified_range", 
    label = "Desired behaviour:", 
    min = 0, 
    max = slider_max,
    value = c(30, 70),
    step = 1

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$modified_range, {
    if(round(slider_max/input$modified_range[1]) == 1L){
      session$sendCustomMessage("set_z-index", list(inputId = "modified_range", zindex = "3"))
    } else {
      session$sendCustomMessage("set_z-index", list(inputId = "modified_range", zindex = "2"))

shinyApp(ui, server)

Maybe this can be solved by an update of the plugin?

Playing with the examples here, this issue isn't present.

Thanks both. We were already at the latest version; this ended up being a small issue with the CSS applied by Shiny to the ionRangeSlider component. If you can, try using the version in #4131 and let me know if your issue persists.


@gadenbuie thanks for the swift investigation!

I can confirm that the problem no longer exists after I installed the updated version.

Kind regards