
http benchmark

Primary LanguageJavaScript




npm install siege --save

http benchmark


save as benchmark.js and run

node benchmark.js

Use siege start/stop service

siege(cmd) can start service before benchmark, stop service after benchmark, for agile development.

siege('node /path/to/app.js')

You can also use siege('/path/to/app.js') to benchmark http handler of nodejs, require('app.js') must return a function(req, res).

siege(__dirname + '/app.js')

Code above will start server listen at port 3000, benchmark module will connect to 3000. You can ignore .on(3000), default is .on('/tmp/siege.sock')

Server maybe need a little while to prepare, use .wait(ms) let benchmark wait a moment to do benchmark.

siege(__dirname + '/app.js')

Define task

Use method(url, params) to define task, you can define multiple tasks, this will help you figure out which page is slow on your site.

  .post('/hello', {hello: 'world'})

Tasks will execute as define order one by one.

Repeat times and duration

Use .for(n).times define repeate times, use for(n).seconds define duration, you can use on siege for all tasks, or use it on single task.


Code above, / will do benchmark for 2 seconds, /about will do for 3000 times, /contact will do for 10000 times.


Use .concurrent(n) to control concurrent request. default is 15



Use .withCookie to enable cookie jar, so you can benchmark a page that requires login.

  .post('/login', {user: pass}).for(1).times

Start siege attack

Use .attack() to start siege attack.

Multiple app

In theory Siege can benchmark multiple apps in a single script.



But for unknown reasons, after the first app is done, the second app will quit. You have two options,

  1. Don't use this feature
  2. send a pull request

More features and improved reporting

Siege is open to adding more features. In particular, help is sought for improving the reporting interface. Also, we have with304 options, but it is not implemented.

Everybody is welcome to send a pull request.