Have the ability to have row gap with x pixels
martinianol opened this issue · 2 comments
What problem does this feature solve?
Row Gap between rows.
rsuite-table is fantastic and I use it all the time. Thanks for such a fine product.
However, I see there is a small flaw that could be easy to implement:
When creating a table there is no way of creating a gap between the rows.
I tried margins, paddings, adding an empty element with certain height, you name it and nothing seems to work. If I'm being a fool here, pls do say how could this be achieved.
As I understand rstuite-table places each row calculating with a transform: translate(0px, rowHeight
) in CSS
So, I believe it might be "easy" to implement to have a property rowGap?:number
that adds this number to the transformation.
Here are some screenshots and videos of how I manually did it with the chrome inspector's tools.
Video as it comes out from rsuite-table
rowHeight: 60px
Request feature:
rowHeight: 60px
rowGap: 16px
What does the proposed API look like?
I solved this issue with renderRow passing a TableRow component with childrens.
I gave the table a rowHeight of 64px as prop
I gave the TableRow height: 100% and max-height: 48px. This will limit the height of the visual row to 48px even though the table row has a 64px
margin-top: 4px
margin-bottom: 12px
So visually you have a 48px row with a 16px gap between each other
export const renderRow = (children: ReactNode, rowData: any) => {
if (!rowData) return children;
return (
const TableRow = styled.div`
margin: 4px 12px 12px 4px; //margins on right and left are for the box shadows to be seen. make sure to add it to the row header for alignment
height: 100%;
max-height: 48px;
background-color: white
box-shadow: 0px 3px 6px 0.08
transition: box-shadow 0.05s linear 0s;
:hover {
box-shadow: 0px 3px 6px 0.25
For comment above Im closing this one