
DatePicker typed-input enters wrong date when typing some ISO dates

theosanderson opened this issue · 0 comments

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Describe the Bug

If I want to type an ISO-formatted date into the date picker, this normally works. But if I want to type a date like 2023-03-05, the natural inclination is to:

  • Type 2023
  • (the selection moves to the month)
  • Type 03
  • (the selection moves to the day)
  • Type 05

If you do this on a DatePicker or a controlled DateInput you get the date 2023-02-05 inserted, one month previous.

The reason is that as you type 05 for the day, you initially type 0, and the date 2023-03-00 is then updated to 2023-02-28, and then as you press 5 to update the day, that becomes 2023-02-05

Expected Behavior

The component could detect non-existent dates like 2023-03-0 and not try to convert them into a date until a full date is entered.

To Reproduce

Type 20230305 in the top example on, the result is 2023-02-05