
Error importing rsuite/dist/rsuite-no-reset.min.css

Opened this issue · 4 comments

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Describe the Bug

On every compilation, my Next js app with Tailwind can't import the rsuite/dist/rsuite-no-reset.min.css.

Captura de tela de 2024-06-05 17-49-15

My default imports from root layout:

import { Toaster } from "@/components/ui/toaster";
import { GetCookieProvider } from "@/utils/store/cookiesStore";
import { PermissionsProvider } from "@/utils/store/permissionContext";

import { CookiesProvider } from "next-client-cookies/server";
import { Inter } from "next/font/google";
import { CustomProvider } from "rsuite";
import { ptBR } from "rsuite/esm/locales";
import "./globals.css";
import "rsuite/dist/rsuite-no-reset.min.css";

Expected Behavior

No response

To Reproduce

No response

Hi @instituto-allamo, you mean you can't import file?

Hi @instituto-allamo, you mean you can't import file?

No, the import is the '.css' file as described, but the Next js console on vs code is getting error 404 importing the

What you want to ask is the 404 error of the file? Or the imported .css component style is not effective?

If the component style is not effective, please refer to this example:

If you want to solve the problem of the 404 of the file, this should be related to the Nextjs CSS Loader configuration. You can try to move import "rsuite/dist/rsuite-no-reset.min.css"; to ./globals.css to try it out.

@import "~rsuite/dist/rsuite-no-reset.css";

What you want to ask is the 404 error of the file? Or the imported .css component style is not effective?

If the component style is not effective, please refer to this example:

If you want to solve the problem of the 404 of the file, this should be related to the Nextjs CSS Loader configuration. You can try to move import "rsuite/dist/rsuite-no-reset.min.css"; to ./globals.css to try it out.

@import "~rsuite/dist/rsuite-no-reset.css";

The style is effective.

About the 404 problem, I tried to move the import to globals.css but the warning remains the same.