
RVC Beta Demo Outputs folder issue

TheLocalLab opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey, I noticed that after a successful conversion of an audio file with RVC, the file does indeed show in the outputs-rvc folder but if you try to do another conversion with the exact same audio file, even after a successful conversion, the audio output will not show in the outputs-rvc folder. Even if you change the model(voice.pth) to apply a different voice to that audio file and run a successful conversion, the output still doesn't show up in the outputs-rvc folder either. I suspect that after a conversion of a particular audio file is saved to the outputs folder, it has a difficult time issuing a different file name to that new output . Normally if you would save a file that already has the another file in that directory with the same name, in windows, would just add a "(1)" at the end of file's name or ask you to overwrite the existing file with the same name. You can circumvent the issue but just deleting or moving the previous outputs from the original conversion and re running the new conversion again. Lets say if you wanted to try a different model/voice to the same original audio, and after a successful conversion will now show up in the output folder. This is a small issue but can get tedious if you wanted to try out multiple voices you have to the same audio file.

I added date to the filenames, that should resolve the issues.

Works great now, thanks.