
edit-config not edits config

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Expected behavior

docker run rsyslog/syslog_appliance_alpine show-config show-config
displays edited config

Actual behavior

docker run rsyslog/syslog_appliance_alpine show-config show-config
displays old config

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Run docker run -ti rsyslog/syslog_appliance_alpine edit-config
  2. Edit config with VIM
  3. Save config with
    edit-config - edit container config (with vi editor, press <ESC>ZZ to quit)
    as stated in help, then :wq to save and exit form VIM


  • rsyslog version: rsyslog appliance version 2018-06-26 (1530020232)
  • platform: MacOS Mojave 10.14.5
  • for configuration questions/issues, include rsyslog.conf and included config files

you have to use docker exec instead of docker run

docker exec runs a command inside an running container, and docker run will spin up a new container

Thanks much for your response! Did not think about this, despite it looks obvious. Thanks