
Streams with spaces in their name lead to all sorts of problems

ohumbel opened this issue · 3 comments

While the lscm/scm commands are properly quoted, the following problems still exist:

  • history files are not found
  • git branches get an invalid name
History file not found: ~/rtc2git/History/History_BT_Spider_'Cross main stream'.txt

Executed Command: "git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/'Cross main stream'"
fatal: 'Cross main stream' is not a valid branch name.

Executed Command: "git push origin 'Cross main stream'_branchpoint"
fatal: 'Cross main stream_branchpoint' is not a valid branch name.
fatal: remote part of refspec is not a valid name in Cross main stream_branchpoint

Obviously, git branches must not contain spaces.
On the other hand, the tool relies on
streamname == branchname
in many places.
To really solve this problem, we would need to carry a
streamname -> branchname conversion table
all around.

A quick fix would be to stop the migration in this case, and inform the user to rename the stream in RTC.

It got closed automatically with the merge of the pr. Do we want to investigate further or should I leave it closed?

I suggest we leave it closed and investigate further as soon as someone really has a problem with it.