Dislike function
ortix opened this issue · 9 comments
What about a "dislike" function? I think that would be a nice addition. So that way people can like, dislike, unlike and undislike.
Any comments on if like and dislike should be mutually exclusive, i.e., you cannot like and dislike something at the same time?
If liked by the user, { dislike removes the like count }
if disliked by the user, { like removes the dislike count }
else add count to like/dislike
+1 mutually exclusive
+1 mutually exclusive. And maybe rating attribute, which is difference of likes and dislikes.
Apparently I'm never going to build this. It's free code, and I don't need the feature myself.
If someone wants this, they'll have to create their own package, or do the changes needed to this package.