
Processing does not work with v8.1

ValentinSatge opened this issue · 0 comments


I am working with the 8.1 version and it seems that there are no update for the antaresProcessing package.

  1. When i use "addNetLoad", I have the following error :

Indeed, i do not have the those columns because it has been divided in the new version (wind onshore, wind offshore, solar pv...).
It is also the case for addUpwardMargin, addDownwardMargin and others...

  1. I decided to create the column "wind" and "solar", but it seems not to be a solution because of that message :
    (yet, this message seems weird because the function : "is(my_new_data, "antaresData") returns "TRUE", and the information given in the explanation of "addNetLoad" says that :

Is the because the package is not updated yet ? I am working with the v0.18.1 for antaresProcessing and v2.2.9 for antaresRead.
Or is it because I am missing something ?

Thank you for your response,
Have a great day,
