This repository holds the code for this paper.
This repository holds the code and dataset we used to run experiments. We use the following files:
contains the code for calculating the objective value of Min-Sum Submodular Cover in addition to the local search and greedy algorithms. -
contains the coordinates of CitiBike stations and the cleaned temperature sensor observations used to build the corresponding utility functions. -
contains the code for generating random Pipelined Set Cover instances from the method described in Babu et al. (2004). -
contains the code for choosing random CitiBike station coordinates and populating random customers. -
contains the coding for building a covariance matrix from random sensor locations and calculating the (conditional) entropy of a joint normal distribution. -
contains the code for combining the utility functions corresponding to instances of set cover, facility location, and entropy into our experiments. We build a histogram of 100 random instances of each problem and compare the greedy and local search algorithms.