
Feature: Re-order/ edit songs in generated playlist

rtkg12 opened this issue · 7 comments

Add support for

  • re-ordering songs in the generated playlist
  • removing some songs from the playlist (and possibly, automatically adjusting parameters)
  • Generate more songs without losing current playlist (infinite scroll/ button)

Can we split these out into separate feature requests? It feels like this would be a very large pull request/issue to tackle all at once even though they may all be related.

I would like to work on these features though.

@dcortright Sorry about the delay. Sure, feel free to submit as many pull requests as you feel are appropriate and please let me know if you need any help to get started.

@rtkg12 No worries! Submitted one PR already for removing songs from playlist.

I would love to help with this

Can I try this out?

Is the issue still open. Can I work on this issue.

Hi, is this issue still open? I would like to work on it.